Respect Life

Respect Life

Vote NO on 79

Read Bishop Golka's letter on this proposed abortion legislation HERE.

We Need Volunteers!

Protecting human life is the preeminent issue of our time. Our Respect Life team at St. Benedict has provided us with information, held two showings of the movie Unplanned, run a baby shoe drive, heavily promoted Proposition 115, and offered us "Roses for Life!" If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please email

To read the CO Bishops’ Letter on the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life Congressional policies click HERE.

Miscarriage & Infant Loss Support Ministry

For help, support and resources if you are experiencing or have experienced a miscarriage or infant loss, please visit the Diocesan Miscarriage & Infant Loss Support Ministry website and fill out the contact form.  Miscarriage collection kits/delivery aids are also available at no cost to families through our parish. You are loved, you are not alone in your loss, and God’s mercy is infinite.

Hurting from and Abortion?

Project Rachel is a program sponsored by the Catholic Church providing free and confidential counseling, reconciliation, and compassion to men and women who have been wounded by abortion. For more information, call (719) 866-6426.

Unexpected Pregnancy?

The Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center offers free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes, options counseling and education. Know your options and find confidential and compassionate support.

Contact the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center at (719) 591-2724 or

Diocese of Colorado Springs Respect Life Apostolate

For the most up-to-date information about Respect Life activities across the Diocese please visit: compassionate support.

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