Marriage is the sacrament which unites a man and woman in a sacred vow of love and commitment for the whole of life. The wedding rite is a special celebration of this love and through it the bride and groom state their intention to form this marriage within the presence of the community. To help them live out this commitment, St. Benedict Parish offers them a supportive preparation process according to diocesan guidelines. They include:
Step 1: 12 months prior to the planned wedding date, meet with your priest or deacon to evaluate the requirements and complete all the necessary forms.
Step 2: Take the FOCCUS Inventory to provide a personalized profile of your relationship. Follow-up meetings are scheduled to discuss your inventory.
Step 3: Take approved Natural Family Planning (NFP) training.
Step 4: Take the Marriage Prep Class (either in person or online)
Step 5: Attend an Engaged Encounter Retreat.
Step 6: Meet with the priest or deacon to finalize all of the preparation for the wedding.
Call (719) 495-1426 for more information.
The Diocese of Colorado Springs’ Office of Marriage and Family Life offers four-week marriage preparation courses.
For more information, call Christian Meert at (719) 531-0738 or (719) 900-8229, or register online at
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