OCIA (Previously known as RCIA) classes are held on Sundays at 12:00pm-1:30pm at the Pastoral Center. Classes begin August 18, 2024.
Contact David Dalton for more information.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process non-Catholics follow to become members in full communion with the Church.
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?
Would you like to explore more of the Catholic tradition?
Or, would you like to complete your initiation? Are you an adult who was baptized Catholic but have not received either your First Communion or Confirmation?
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church, the OCIA process is your doorway. For more information, contact the office.
No two people have the same calling or relationship with Jesus. Jesus presents this gift for each of us in a uniquely personal way. Many of us were baptized into the faith as infants as the consequence of our parents’ faith. Others are led to faith only when as adults we are able to make our own choices and responses. They can make their own the prayer of the follower of Jesus “Lord I do believe, help thou my unbelief.” If such be the case, in the Catholic Church, they are invited to journey with the faithful through the process called the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults – OCIA for short.
The process begins with an Inquiry period and continues with study of the beliefs and traditions of the Church. After the Inquiry period, the Rite of Acceptance provides the opportunity for inquirers to formally and publicly state their intent to join the Church. The congregation accepts the inquirers who then become Catechumens (if they are not baptized in the Christian faith) or Candidates (if they are baptized in the Christian faith).
At the Easter Vigil, those to be initiated are baptized, confirmed, and share in the Eucharist for the first time. The final step of the process is Mystagogy, a period from Easter Sunday to Pentecost when the newly initiated continue learning about the church and the parish and are called to continue to share their faith.
OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children) is open to all children between the ages of 8-18, unbaptized or baptized. These classes are designed to educate children in the Catholic faith and prepare them for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Whether your family is just entering the Church, returning to the practice of the Catholic faith, or delayed your child’s sacramental preparation, all are welcome.
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