The tradition of offering Masses for others, particularly the dead, originates in the very early Church. Mass intentions refer to the particular purpose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor God or thank him for blessings received. But usually a Mass intention indicates that the sacrifice is offered for some person(s) living or dead.
The intention can be for the Souls in Purgatory, in remembrance of a deceased loved one, for someone who is sick, as a birthday remembrance, in thanksgiving for a special intention or healing, or perhaps in celebration of a wedding anniversary.
When a priest offers Holy Mass, he has three intentions:
The special personal fruits of the Mass benefit the celebrating priest who acts in the person of Christ in offering the Mass and to the people who are in attendance and participate in the offering of the Mass. These fruits are extensively and intensively finite, since each of us is finite. Therefore, the more a Mass is offered, the more benefit is conferred.
Finally, a person may ask a priest to offer a Mass for a particular intention; usually, a stipend is given to the priest for offering the Mass, which creates a just obligation which must be satisfied.
With the addition of daily Masses we have increased opportunities for Mass Intentions. If you would like a Mass said as a special intention or for your loved one, living or deceased, please contact the office, (719) 495-1426.
We ask for a donation of $10 for a Mass Intention. You may call the parish office at (719) 495-1426 to schedule a Mass and pay in person in the office, or place a check in the mail. When we receive payment we will schedule your Mass Intention. If mailing a check, please be sure to clearly print for whom the Mass is to be said, the intention (for example 'in memory of' or anniversary, etc.) and include your name for our records.
To pay for your Mass intention, you may mail payment to the church or pay via WeShare using this link.
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