The Vatican II Council tells us a liturgical minister role is not merely functional - it is deeply symbolic. The visible, active ministry of lay people at liturgy is a symbol of their visible, active ministry in the parish and in the Church at large. It is both service to God and to our brothers and sisters. The lay ministries of participating in the liturgy require a deep love and respect for the Mass.
Consider how God is calling you to serve at His altar.
The altar care ministers assist with the setup and care for the altar. Duties include laundering the linens used during liturgies, replacing candles, cleaning candlesticks and holy water fonts, light housekeeping in the sanctuary area.
Open to all youth who have received their First Communion, Altar Servers are trained to assist the Priest by holding the book of prayers, washing his hands, and responding to the prayers said at Mass. Being an Altar Server means being connected to the Mass in a powerful way.
For additional information, visit the Altar Servers page link below:
As the holy sacrifice of the Mass if fully connected to the Heavenly Liturgy described in the Book of Revelations as where day and night they do not cease to say "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is, and is to come!", music ministers assist the people in their worship of God in song. Theirs is not a performance skill but a service to elevate the prayers of the people.
This ministry is marked by its use of God-given skills and a commitment to practice use of then, be they vocal or instrumental. What better way to show appreciation for these gifts than in the praise of the Giver.
For additional information, see the Music Ministry page link below:
Proclaimers are called upon to serve the congregation by the oral presentation of scripture in a clear, understandable manner that fosters fuller appreciation of God's word. Proclaimers are called to proclaim the Word with care and enthusiasm. The word of God is more than print on a page. It needs to be given life and proclaimed as GOOD news.
Gifts desired include a good clear speaking voice and a willingness to develop your public speaking abilities. For more information, see the Lectors page link below:
The Sacristan is responsible for ensuring that everything is ready for the celebration of Mass and any special sacraments or liturgical elements that may take place during that Mass. While other volunteers take care of setting up the furniture, the Sacristan handles and takes care of the sacred vessels, the wine and the bread, and the vestments.
Accordingly, a Sacristan must have a great reverence of the Blessed Sacrament, a solid understanding of liturgical norms, and willingness to serve the celebrant and the community in this sum and summit of our Catholic Faith.
Users are present at the liturgy to guide and direct parishioners upon arrival, during Communion, and in the event of an emergency. Ushers are also responsible for receiving the Offertory and bringing of the Gifts to the altar. Ushers are a welcoming ministry, expressing the joy of the community coming together in prayer.
Would you like to help out St. Benedict while you are attending Mass each week? We are looking for adult ushers - men and women over the age of 18 who can greet and help seat parishioners, keep attendance counts, take up collections, assist during communion, and hand out bulletins along with a few housekeeping chores. This is a great way to meet parishioners and help the church. We will get you trained on the job with one of our current ushers.
The gifts desired include a friendly, helpful attitude, self-direction, and willingness to participate assertively in the process. Adult, Senior High youth, and families are welcome to minister.
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