In July 2012, St. Benedict Parish purchased a thirty-five acre ranch that included two houses and a large barn/loafing shed. The property is located at 12130 Falcon Highway in Falcon, Colorado. Parishioners assisted with extensive clean up of the property. We now have a place to call our own. The barn was our Parish Hall until construction began in March 2017 to convert the Parish Hall into our new church. One house serves as our Ministry Center. The other house is the rectory for our pastor.
Pastoral Center
Rectory (now painted)
After eleven years of celebrating Mass in a school gymnasium, we were eager to build our church. The Parish Hall was remodeled into our church.
Art C Klein Construction Inc., our architect, provided us with a plan for renovating the structure. The primary goal of the plan was to create a simple, dignified church. The secondary goal is to provide St. Benedict Parish with a facility for programs, presentations, and social gatherings.
Read about the St. Benedict ground breaking ceremony in the Gazette's article Falcon Area Catholics Begin Turning A Barn Into A Church
and see more pictures in the Gazette's article Falcon Area Catholics Begin Turning a Barn into a Church.
Also, St. Benedict was on the front page of The Colorado Catholic Herald Eastward Expansion
The Gazette announced the dedication of St. Benedict in their September 28, 2017, issue New Catholic Church to be dedicated in Falcon
The Colorado Catholic Herald October 20, 2017, edition included an article along with photos of the Dedication Mass. See pages 10-11
St. Benedict Dedicates New Church After Long Labor of Love
And, the November 2017 edition of The New Falcon Herald featured a front page article on St. Benedict From a Barn to a Church.
To make a contribution to St. Benedict, visit our WeShare site, or contributions may be mailed to:
St. Benedict Catholic Church
12130 Falcon Highway
Falcon, CO 80831
We extend our gratitude to the members of the parish, surrounding parishes, friends, and family members who made the building of our church a reality.
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