Altar Servers/Knights of the Altar

Knights of the Altar

The ministry of Altar Servers is open to boys of the Parish who show an interest in serving at the altar during Mass and other Parish liturgical celebrations.  They assist the priest by holding the prayer book, setting and cleaning the altar and handing the priest the things they need during the Mass.  Altar Servers participate fully in the Liturgy through prayer, song, and action. 

Contact: Kevin Dillon


Training is conducted for all current Altar Servers and any boy 8-18 who would like to be an Altar Server. During training, servers learn the duties they are to perform at Mass.

Altar Server training will be held on the last Saturday of each month, 10:00am-11:00am in the church.  All current Altar Servers should attend as well as anyone who would like to join as a new Altar Server.  Please contact David at with any questions.

Ministering to The Church

During training, Altar Servers are told that this is their first ministry in the church.  It affords them opportunities to become more involved in the church as well as instilling in them individual virtues.  Altar Servers learn responsibility and organization.

Who Can Be an Altar Server?

Those boys who wish to be altar servers must have completed second grade and have made his First Communion.

Time Commitment

Servers help prepare the table for Eucharist, and assist clearing the altar after services.  Being an altar server teaches promptness and preparation.  Altar servers must arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled Mass time to prepare themselves and the altar for Mass.

St. Benedict conducts training sessions every month on the last Saturday of the month.  Training starts at 10:00am in the church.

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